Here is the brand new bride, Mary, with the gorgeous eyes. And in case you are wondering, yes, her eyes really have a golden hue to them; that is not just special effects!
Here is the newlywed couple right after their wedding, which took place aboard the Royal Princess, a nice yacht docked in Newport Beach.
The couple is having their first dance in the picture above. Awww...
Mary's wedding dress was also her mom's wedding dress when she got married. It's got a great classic look to it, which looks just great on Mary.
The couple's first kiss....
Lighting their unity candle. It even matched the rest of the nautical theme, with seashells on the bottom!
Anyone dare speak now? The captain of the Royal Princess, and official asks...
Mary and Fabio's wedding set... Simple yet elegant, just like their wedding. Congratulations, guys!